How To Check Your IGNOU Assignment Status & Result Quickly and Easily

IGNOU Assignment Status & Result: It can be a headache trying to remember to submit your assignments on time, or even to keep track of how you’re doing in the course. Luckily, Ignou has made it much easier for students to check their assignment status and results with just a few clicks. In this article, we’ll show you how to quickly and easily check your Ignou assignment status & result so that you can stay on top of your studies!

Introduction to IGNOU Assignments 2023

If you are a student of IGNOU, then you must be aware of the importance of submitting your assignments on time. Not only it is mandatory to submit your assignments within the prescribed time frame, but late submission can also lead to deduction in your overall grades. So, if you want to avoid any such inconvenience, then it is always better to check your assignment status and result regularly.

IGNOU gives students an online portal where they can check the status of their assignments and see how they did. To check your assignment status and result, you need to login to your account on the IGNOU website. You will be able to see all the details related to your assignments, including the submission date, marks secured, etc. You can also download your assignments from the website and submit it online.

If you are not able to login to your account or if you have any other query related to your assignments, then you can always contact the IGNOU helpline number, which is available 24×7. The helpline number is _______.

IGNOU Assignment Status & Result Direct Check

What is the IGNOU Assignment Status & Result?

If you are an Ignou student, you may be wondering how to check your assignment status and results. Here is a quick and easy guide to help you out.

To check your Ignou assignment status, you will need to log in to the official website of the university.

Enter your nine-digit enrollment number in the given space and click on the ‘Submit’ button. Your Ignou assignment status will be displayed on the screen. If your result is shown as ‘Declared’, it means that you have passed the assignment and if it is shown as ‘Not Declared’, it means that you have not passed the assignment.

You can also check your Ignou assignment results by visiting the official website of the university and clicking on the ‘Student Support’ tab. Then, select ‘Results’ from the drop-down menu and enter your nine-digit enrollment number in the given space. Click on the ‘Submit’ button and your results will be displayed on the screen.

How to Check Your IGNOU Assignment Status & Result

It is very easy to check your IGNOU assignment status and results. You can do this by logging into your account on the official website of the university.

IGNOU Assignment Status & Result
  • Enter Enrollment No. in First Box
  • Select Your Program in Second Box.
  • and Click to Submit Button.
  • Next Step Take a Screen shot on it.

Once you have logged in, you will be able to see your results as well as your current assignments. To check your assignment status, simply click on the ‘Assignment’ tab and then select the ‘Status’ option. This will show you whether or not your assignments have been submitted and graded.

If you want to check your results, click on the ‘Result’ tab. Here, you will be able to see your grades for all of the subjects that you have taken so far.

That’s all there is to it! Checking your IGNOU assignment status and results is quick and easy.

What is the Result?

If you want to check your Ignou assignment status and result, there are a few things you need to do. First, log in to the student zone on the Ignou website. Once you are logged in, click on the ‘Results’ link. On the results page, you will be able to see your latest results as well as your assignment marks.

If you want to check your results for a specific term or semester, you can select the relevant option from the drop-down menu on the results page. You can also check your previous results by selecting the ‘View All’ option.

To view your detailed marksheet, simply click on the ‘View Marksheet’ button next to your result. Your marksheet will contain information such as your name, enrolment number, course code, and marks scored in each subject.

You can also download a copy of your marksheet by clicking on the ‘Download Marksheet’ button. This is a useful option if you want to keep a copy of your results for future reference.

How to Check Your IGNOU Result Quickly and Easily

Assuming that you have completed all the necessary paperwork and are now ready to check your IGNOU assignment status and results, here is a quick and easy guide on how to do so:

  • First, visit the official website of IGNOU at
  • On the homepage, look for the ‘Student Zone’ section and click on the ‘Results’ tab under it
  • Now, you will be redirected to a new page
  • where you enter your nine or Ten digit enrollment number in the given space
  • After entering your enrollment number, click on the ‘Submit’ button
  • Your IGNOU assignment status and results will now be displayed on the screen for you to check

Tips for Successful Completion of Assignments

Assuming that you have already completed and submitted your Ignou assignment, there are a few things you can do to ensure successful completion.

  • First, be sure to check your assignment status regularly.
  • Second, be familiar with the Ignou grading system.
  • Third, if you have any questions or concerns about your assignment, be sure to contact your regional center for help. The staff there can assist you in understanding the requirements of the assignments and provide guidance on how to successfully complete them.


Checking your IGNOU assignment status and results quickly and easily is a great way to stay on top of your academic progress. With the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to check your assignments, results, and grades with ease. Additionally, with the help of Ignou’s online portal or mobile app, it has become even easier for students to access their information anytime from anywhere. So make sure you’re regularly checking your Ignou account as well as other resources like our site for all the latest updates about IGNOU assignments!

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