IGNOU BAG Study Material 2024 & Books 2024 (Egyankosh)

Download IGNOU BAG Study Material 2024 in both English and Hindi Medium. Additionally, IGNOU BAG Study Material in Hindi is also provided, along with IGNOU BAG Books in both Hindi and English.

We offer all the IGNOU BAG Solved Assignments for All year on this platform. If you’ve arrived at this page, it’s because you are in need of study material.

The BAG Study Material available here is highly beneficial for successfully completing your assignments through thorough reading. All the necessary books can be easily downloaded from this platform.

Moreover, at IGNOU, we have a comprehensive collection of all the required books.

Some Books Are Uploaded to Download.

List of IGNOU BAG Study Material 2024 & Books (Egyankosh)

IGNOU BAG Study Material

The Study Material from IGNOU is conveniently accessible in PDF format on this platform. In case you haven’t been able to find it in hard copy books, worry not; you can effortlessly download it by simply clicking on the provided link below.

Anthropology Study Material or E-books

In this section, I provide Anthropology study material in Hindi or English medium. If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is Anthropology, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BANC-131 Study Material (Anthropology and Research Methods)
BANC 131 Study Material Hindi (मानव विज्ञान और शोध विधि)
IGNOU BANC-132 Study Material (Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology)
BANC 132 Study Material Hindi (जैविक मानव विज्ञान के मूल सिद्धांत)
BANC 133 Study Material (Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthropology)
BANC 133 Study Material Hindi (सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक नृविज्ञान के मूल सिद्धांत)
IGNOU BANC-134 Study Material (Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology)
BANC 134 Study Material Hindi (पुरातात्विक मानव विज्ञान के मूल तत्व)
BANE-145 Study Material Hindi (Applied Anthropology)
BANE 145 Study Material Hindi (अनुप्रयुक्त मानवविज्ञान)
IGNOU BANE-146 Study Material (Anthropology of Indigenous People)
BANE 146 Study Material Hindi (स्वदेशी लोगों का मानव विज्ञान)

Economics Study Material or E-books

In this section, I provide Economics study material in Hindi or English medium. If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is Economics, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BECC-131 Study Material (Principles of Microeconomics-I)
BECC 131 Study Material Hindi (व्यष्टि- अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-I)
IGNOU BECC-132 Study Material (Principles of Microeconomics-II)
BECC 132 Study Material Hindi (व्यष्टि- अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धान्त-II)
IGNOU BECC-133 Study Material (Principles of Macroeconomics-I)
BECC 133 Study Material Hindi (समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत. i)
IGNOU BECC-134 Study Material (Principles of Macroeconomics-II)
BECC 134 Study Material Hindi (समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत ii)
IGNOU BECE 145 Study Material (Indian Economy – I)
IGNOU BECE 145 Study Material Hindi(भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था-I)
IGNOU BECE 146 Study Material (Indian Economy – II)
IGNOU BECE 146 Study Material Hindi (भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था-II)

IGNOU History Study Material

In this section, I provide History study material in Hindi or English medium. If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is History, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BHIC 131 Study Material (History of India from the Earliest Times upto 300 CE)
IGNOU BHIC 132 Study Material (History of India from C300 to 1206)
IGNOU BHIC 133 Study Material (History of India from C1206 to 1707)
IGNOU BHIC 133 Study Material Hindi (भारत का इतिहास: 1206-1707)
IGNOU BHIC 134 Study Material (History of India from C1707 to 1950)
IGNOU BHIC 134 Study Material Hindi (भारत का इतिहास: 1707 to 1950)
IGNOU BHIE 141 Study Material Hindi (History of China : C. 1840-1978)
IGNOU BHIE 142 Study Material (History of Modern East Asia: Japan (C.1868–1945))
IGNOU BHIE 142 Study Material Hindi (आधुनिक पूर्वी एशिया का इतिहास: जापान (1868-1945))
IGNOU BHIE 143 Study Material (History of Environment)
IGNOU BHIE 143 Study Material Hindi (पर्यावरण का इतिहास)
IGNOU BHIE 144 Study Material (Traditions of History Writing in India)
IGNOU BHIE 145 Study Material (Some aspects of European History: C. 1789 – 1945)
IGNOU BHIE 145 Study Material Hindi (यूरोपीय इतिहास के कुछ पहलू 1789-1945)
BAG Study Material,Download All semester books

IGNOU Political Science Study Material or E-books

In this section, I provide Political Science study material in Hindi or English medium. If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is Political Science, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BPSC 131 Study Material (Introduction to Political Theory)
IGNOU BPSC 131 Study Material Hindi (राजनीत्तिक सिद्धांत का परिचय)
IGNOU BPSC 132 Study Material (Indian Government and Politics)
IGNOU BPSC 132 Study Material Hindi (भारतीय सरकार और राजनिति)
IGNOU BPSC 133 Study Material (Comparative Government and Politics)
IGNOU BPSC 133 Study Material Hindi (तुलनात्मक सरकार एवं  राजनीति)
IGNOU BPSC 134 Study Material (Introduction  to International Relations)
IGNOU BPSC 134 Study Material Hindi (अंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंधों का परिचय)
IGNOU BPSE 141 Study Material (Gandhi and the Contemporary World)
IGNOU  BPSE 141 Study Material Hindi (गाँधी और समसामयिक विश्व)
IGNOU BPSE 142 Study Material (India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World)
IGNOU BPSE 142 Study Material Hindi (वैश्वीकरण की दुनिया में भारत की विदेश निति)
IGNOU BPSE 143 Study Material (State Politics in India)
IGNOU BPSE 143 Study Material Hindi (भारत में राज्य की राजनीती)
IGNOU BPSE 144 Study Material (Introduction to South Asia)
IGNOU BPSE 144 Study Material Hindi (दक्षिण एशिया का एक परिचय)
IGNOU BPSE 145 Study Material (Democracy and Development in Northeast India)
IGNOU BPSE 145 Study Material Hindi (पूर्वोत्तर भारत में लोकतंत्र एवं विकास)
IGNOU BPSE 146 Study Material (Conflict Resolution and Peace building)
IGNOU BPSE 146 Study Material Hindi (संघर्ष समाधान और शांति स्थापन)

IGNOU Psychology Study Material

In this section, I provide Psychology study material in Hindi or English medium. If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is Psychology, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BPCC 131 Study Material (Foundations of Psychology)
IGNOU BPCC 131 Study Material Hindi (मनोविज्ञान का आधार)
IGNOU BPCC 132 Study Material (Introduction to Social Psychology)
IGNOU BPCC 132 Study Material Hindi (सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान: एक परिचय)
IGNOU BPCC 133 Study Material (Psychological Disorders)
IGNOU BPCC 133 Study Material Hindi (मनोवैज्ञानिक विकार)
IGNOU BPCC 134 Study Material (Statistical Methods and Psychological Research)
IGNOU BPCC 134 Study Material (सांख्यिकीय विधियाँ और मनोवैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान)
IGNOU BPCE 145 Study Material Hindi (Counselling Psychology)
IGNOU BPCE 145 Study Material Hindi (परामर्श मनोविज्ञान)
IGNOU BPCE 146 Study Material (Industrial / Organizational Psychology)
IGNOU BPCE 146 Study Material Hindi (औद्योगिक एवं संगठनात्मक मनोविज्ञान)

IGNOU Public Administration Study Material or Egyankosh

In this section, I provide Public Administration study material in Hindi or English medium. If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is Public Administration, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BPAC 131 Study Material (Perspectives on Public Administration)
IGNOU BPAC 132 Study Material (Administrative Thinkers)
IGNOU BPAC 133 Study Material (Administrative system at Union Level)
IGNOU BPAC 133 Study Material Hindi (केन्द्रीय स्तर पर प्रशासनिक प्रणाली)
IGNOU BPAC 134 Study Material (Administrative system at State and District Levels)
IGNOU BPAC 134 Study Material Hindi (राज्य और जिला स्तर पर प्रशासनिक प्रणाली)
IGNOU BPAE 141 Study Material (Right to Information)
IGNOU BPAE 141 Study Material (सूचना का अधिकार)
IGNOU BPAE 142 Study Material (Organisational Behaviour)
IGNOU BPAE 142 Study Material (संगठनात्मक व्यवहार)
IGNOU BPAE 143 Study Material (Administrative System in BRICS)
IGNOU  BPAE 143 Study Material Hindi (ब्रिक्स में प्रशासनिक प्रणाली)
IGNOU BPAE 144 Study Material (Social Policies and Administration)
IGNOU BPAE 144 Study Material Hindi (सामाजिक नीतियां और प्रशासन)

IGNOU Hindi Study Material

In this section, I provide Hindi study material . If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is Hindi, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BHDC-131 Study Material Hindi (हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास)
IGNOU BHDC-132 Study Material Hindi (मध्यकालीन हिंदी कविता)
IGNOU BHDC-133 Study Material Hindi (आधुनिक हिंदी कविता)
IGNOU BHDC-134 Study Material Hindi (हिंदी गध्य साहित्य)
IGNOU BHDLA-135 Study Material Hindi (हिंदी भाष: विविध प्रयोग)
IGNOU BHDLA-136 Study Material Hindi (हिंदी भाषा: लेखन कौशल)
IGNOU BHDLA-137 Study Material Hindi (हिंदी भाषा: संप्रेषण कौशल)
IGNOU BHDLA-138 Study Material Hindi (हिंदी साहित्य: विविध विधाये)
IGNOU BHDE-141 Study Material Hindi (अस्मिता मूलक विमर्श और हिंदी साहित्य)
IGNOU BHDE-142 Study Material Hindi (राष्ट्रीय काव्य धारा)
IGNOU BHDE-143 Study Material Hindi (प्रेमचंद)
IGNOU BHDE-144 Study Material Hindi (छायावाद)
IGNOU BHDE-145 Study Material Hindi (कबीर)
IGNOU BHDE-146 Study Material Hindi (छायावादोत्तर हिंदी कविता)

IGNOU URDU Study Material or Egyankosh

In this section, I provide URDU study material . If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is URDU, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BUDC 131 Study Material (Study of Prose & Poetic Form in Urdu)
IGNOU BUDC 132 Study Material (Study of Urdu Classical Ghazal)
IGNOU BUDC 133 Origin Material (Origin & Development of Urdu Language)
IGNOU BUDC 134 Study Material (Study of Urdu Nazm)
IGNOU BUDLA 135 Study Material (Study of Modern Urdu Prose & Poetry)
IGNOU BUDE 141 Study Material (Study of Poet Mirza Ghalib)
IGNOU BUDE 142 Study Material (Study of Prose Writer Meer Amman Dehlawi)

IGNOU English Study Material

In this section, I provide English study material . If you are a student of the BAG program and your subject is English, you can download the study material or e-books.

IGNOU BEGC-131 Study Material (Individual & Society)
IGNOU BEGC-132 Study Material (Selections From Indian Writing: Cultural Diversity)
IGNOU BEGC-133 Study Material (British Literature)
IGNOU BEGC-134 Study Material (Reading the Novel)
IGNOU BEGLA-135 Study Material (English In Daily Life)
IGNOU BEGLA-136 Study Material (English At The Work Place)
IGNOU BEGLA-137 Study Material (Language Through Literature)
IGNOU BEGLA-138 Study Material (Reading And Speaking Skills)
IGNOU BEGE-141 Study Material (Understanding Prose)
IGNOU BEGE-142 Study Material (Understanding Drama)
IGNOU BEGE-143 Study Material (Understanding Poetry)
IGNOU BEGE-145 Study Material (Soft Skills)

IGNOU Sanskrit Study Material

IGNOU BSKC 131 Study Material (संस्कृत पद्य साहित्य)
IGNOU BSKC 132 Study Material (संस्कृत गद्य साहित्य)
IGNOU BSKC 133 Study Material (संस्कृत नाटक)
IGNOU BSKC 134 Study Material (संस्कृत व्याकरण)
IGNOU BSKLA 135 Study Material (संस्कृत साहित्य एवं व्याकरण)
IGNOU BSKE 141 Study Material (आयुर्वेद के मूलआधार)
IGNOU BSKE 142 Study Material (रंग मंच और नाट्य कला)

IGNOU Mathematics Study Material

IGNOU BMTC 131 Study Material (Calculus)
IGNOU BMTC 132 Study Material (Differential Equations)
IGNOU BMTC 133 Study Material (Real Analysis)
IGNOU BMTC 133 Study Material Hindi (रीयल एनालिसिस)
IGNOU BMTC 134 Study Material (Algebra)
IGNOU BMTC 134 Study Material Hindi (बीजगणित)
IGNOU BMTE 141 Study Material (Linear Algebra)
IGNOU BMTE 141 Study Material (अध्ययन सामग्री अंग्रेजी और हिंदी माध्यम)
IGNOU BMTE 144 Study Material (Numerical Analysis)
IGNOU BMTE 144 Study Material Hindi (संख्यात्मक विश्लेषण)

IGNOU Sociology Study Material or E-gyankosh

Within this section, I offer study materials for Sociology in both Hindi and English mediums. If you are enrolled in the BAG program with Sociology as your subject, feel free to download the available study materials or e-books.

IGNOU BSOC 131 Study Material (Introduction to Sociology)
IGNOU BSOC 131 Study Material Hindi (समाजशास्त्र का परिचय)
IGNOU BSOC 132 Study Material (Sociology of India)
IGNOU BSOC 133 Study Material (Sociological Theories)
IGNOU BSOC 133 Study Material Hindi (समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धांत)
IGNOU BSOC 134 Study Material (Methods of Sociological Enquiry)
IGNOU BSOC 134 Study Material Hindi (समाजशास्त्रीय जांच के तरीके)
IGNOU BSOE-141 Study Material (Urban Sociology)
IGNOU BSOE 141 Study Material Hindi (नगरीय समाजशास्त्र)
IGNOU BSOE-142 Study Material (Indian Sociological Traditions)
IGNOU BSOE 142 Study Material Hindi (भारतीय समाजशास्त्रीय परंपराएँ)
IGNOU BSOE-143 Study Material (Environmental Sociology)
IGNOU BSOE 143 Study Material Hindi(पर्यावरण समाजशास्त्र)
IGNOU BSOE-144 Study Material (Reading Ethnographies)
IGNOU BSOE 144 Study Material Hindi (नृवंशविज्ञान अध्ययन)
IGNOU BSOE-145 Study Material (Religion and Society)
IGNOU BSOE 145 Study Material (धर्म और समाज)
IGNOU BSOE-146 Study Material (Marriage, Family, and Kinship)
IGNOU BSOE 146 Study Material (विवाह, परिवार एवं नातेदारी)
IGNOU BSOE-148 Study Material (Social Stratification)
IGNOU BSOE 148 Study Material (सामाजिक स्तरीकरण)

IGNOU Skill Enhancement Courses Books

Within this section, I offer study materials for Skill Enhancement Courses in both Hindi and English mediums. If you are enrolled in the BAG program with SKC as your subject, feel free to download the available study materials or e-books.

IGNOU BPCS-187 Study Material (Managing Human Resources)
BPCS 187 Study Material Hindi (मानव संसाधनों का प्रबंधन)
BPAS 186 Study Material (Stress and Time Management)
BPAS 186 Study Material Hindi (तनाव व समय प्रबंधन)
BSOS 185 Study Material (Society through the Visual)
IGNOU BSOS-185 Study Material (दृश्य के माध्यम से समाज)
BPCS 188 Study Material (Application of Social Psychology)
BPCS 188 Study Material Hindi (सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान का अनुप्रयोग)
IGNOU BEGS-185 Study Material (English Language Teaching)
IGNOU BEGS-186 Study Material (Business Communication)
IGNOU BHDS-185 Study Material (टेलीविजन लेखन)
BHDS 186 Study Material Hindi (समाचार संकलन और लेखन)

IGNOU Generic Electives Books

IGNOU BPAG-172 Study Material ( Governance: Issues and Challenges)
BPAG 172 Study Material Hindi ( शासन : मुद्दे और चुनौतियाँ )
BPAG 173 Study Material Hindi ( E –governance )
BPAG 173 Study Material Hindi (ई-शासन)
BPAG 174 Study Material ( Sustainable Development )
BPAG 174 Study Material Hindi (सतत विकास)
BPCG 171 Study Material ( General Psychology )
BPCG 171 Study Material Hindi ( सामान्य मनोविज्ञान )
IGNOU BPCG-172 Study Material ( Youth, Gender and Identity)
IGNOU BPCG-172 Study Material ( युवा, जेंडर एवं पहचान)
BPCG 173 Study Material ( Psychology for Health and Well Being )
BPCG 173 Study Material Hindi ( स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण के लिए मनोविज्ञान )
BPCG 174 Study Material ( Psychology and Media )
BPCG 174 Study Material Hindi ( मनोविज्ञान और मीडिया )
BPCG 175 Study Material ( Psychology for Living )
BPCG 175 Study Material Hindi ( जीवन यापन के लिए मनोविज्ञान )
BPCG 176 Study Material ( Psychology of Gender )
BPCG 176 Study Material Hindi ( लिंग मनोविज्ञान )
BSOG 171 Study Material ( Indian Society: Images and Realities )
BSOG 171 Study Material Hindi ( भारतीय समाज: छवियाँ एवं वास्तविकताएँ )
BSOG 176 Study Material ( Economy and Society )
BSOG 176 Study Material Hindi ( अर्थव्यवस्था एवं समाज )
BSOG 173 Study Material ( Rethinking Development )
BSOG 173 Study Material Hindi ( विकास पुनर्चिंतन )
BGDG 172 Study Material ( Gender Sensitization : Society and Culture )
BGDG 172 Study Material Hindi ( जेंडर संवेदीकरण- संस्कृति, समाज और परिवर्तन )

How to Download IGNOU BAG Study Material  ?

  • Choose your subject.
  • Click on the subject link.
  • Once the semester page opens, select your subject.
  • Click on the download link for the material you desire.
  • Print or save the PDF of the study material on your phone or laptop.

To Get Good Marks In The Exam, Study Books Carefully.

IGNOU University Has Uploaded The Assignments Of The New Session’s Program. Students Must Download Compulsory Assignments. With Which He Can Give Term And Exam .IGNOU Political Science Study Material