We Provide All The IGNOU Books And Study Material Here.

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IGNOU  का स्टडी मटेरियल  यहां PDF  मे उपलब्ध है

All The Free Assignment In This Site Guruignou.Com

Course CodeCourse TitleAssignment
Semester – I
MCS-011Problem Solving and ProgrammingDownload
MCS-012Computer Organization and Assembly language ProgrammingDownload
MCS-013Discrete MathematicsDownload
MCS-014Systems Analysis and DesignDownload
MCS-015Communication SkillsDownload
MCSL-016Internet Concepts and Web DesignDownload
MCSL-017C and Assembly Language Programming LabDownload
Semester – II
MCS-021Data and File StructuresDownload
MCS-022Operating System Concepts and Networking ManagementDownload
MCS-023Introduction to Database Management SystemsDownload
MCS-024Object-Oriented Technologies and Java ProgrammingDownload
MCSL-025Lab (based on MCS-021, 022, 023 & 024)Download
Semester – III
MCS-031Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsDownload
MCS-032Object Oriented Analysis and DesignDownload
MCS-033Advanced Discrete MathematicsDownload
MCS-034Software EngineeringDownload
MCS-035Accountancy and Financial ManagementDownload
MCS-036Lab (based on MCS-032, 034 and 035)Download
Semester – IV
MCS-041Operating SystemsDownload
MCS-042Data Communication and Computer NetworksDownload
MCS-043Advanced Database Management SystemsDownload
MCS-044Mini ProjectDownload
MCS-045Lab (UNIX & Oracle)Download
Semester – V
MCS-051Advanced Internet TechnologiesDownload
MCS-052Principles of Management and Information SystemsDownload
MCS-053Computer Graphics and MultimediaDownload
MCSL-054Lab (based on MCS-051 & 053)Download
MCSE-003Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge ManagementDownload
MCSE-004Numerical and Statistical ComputingDownload
MCSE-011Parallel ComputingDownload
Semester – VI