IGNOU BPCC 133 Solved Assignment Download 2023-2024 English

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This is a Core Course for students who have opted program BAG under IGNOU BPCC 133 Psychological Disorders 2023-2024 With CBCS Pattern. We Provide the All Assignment Questions And Their Solutions.

IGNOU BAG SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS have been uploaded. IGNOU University Assignment of BAG Program of New Session BAG Student Assignment Questions can be downloaded from this page. Students must download compulsory assignments. With which he can give term and exam.

ProgrammeBachelor of Arts (General)
Course CodeBPCC 133
Course NamePsychological Disorders
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BPCC 133 Assignment Questions Download

                                                                                             PART A Assignment 1

Answer the following questions in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks.

1. Explain the types of schizophrenia. Discuss the causal factors of schizophrenia.

2. Elucidate the role of Sympathetic Adrenomedullary System and Hypothalamo-Pituitary Adrenocortical Axis in stress and stress related responses. Explain the clinical features of posttraumatic stress disorder. Assignment

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks.

3. Childhood Depression

4. Difference between oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder

5. Histrionic Personality Disorder

6. Gambling Disorder

7. Sexual Dysfunctions

8. Characteristics of people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

                                                                                               PART B Tutorial

Note: You need to complete the activities according to the given instructions. Please attempt the activities in a coherent and organized manner. The word limit for each activity is around 700 words. Each activity is of 15 marks. For the activities you may refer to relevant offline or online resources. Some useful resources are also listed at the end of each unit in the self-learning material of BPCC 133.

1. Select a newspaper or magazine article, YouTube video, documentary or a film that is meaningful, and interesting to you and is related to a psychological disorder. The newspaper or magazine article, YouTube video, documentary or a film will be the media source. Read and review your media source and describe your media source. What it is about? What is interesting or meaningful about it? Why did you choose this particular media source? Quote the essential characteristics with proper citations. Explain the perspective taken in the article, documentary, film or video (e.g., biomedical, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, sociocultural). Mention the details or web address of your source.

2. Identify the common signs of distress in school-going children. Suggest strategies to reduce stress and promote student well-being

BPCC 133 Assignment Download PDF

You will have to do three Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) for a six credit course and two TMAs
for a four credit course.

Assignment I has Descriptive Category Questions (DCQs). These are meant for writing essay type
answers, with an introduction and a conclusion.

Assignment II has Middle Category Questions (MCQs). These questions require you to first analyze
the topic in terms of arguments and explanations and then write the answers in a concise manner.

Assignment III has Short Category Questions (SCQs). These questions are meant to improve your
skill of recall in brief the relevant/precise information about persons, writing, events, or clear
understanding of concepts and processes.

Before you attempt the assignments, please read the instructions carefully provided in the
Programme Guide.

Important Notes on BPCC 133 Psychological Disorders

  • Write all the assignments with your own hand. Do not write to anyone else in a quick affair. This assignment can also be cancelled.

  • The weight of IGNOU assignment is: 30% in total marks, so take this carefully.

  • Submit the assignment to the teacher of your learning center before due date.

  • Viva Voce is mandatory while submitting the Assignment. If any one student Assigns the assignment and does not give viva voce, its assignment Will not be successfully completed and will be marked as ZERO

How To Download IGNOU BPCC 133 Solved Assignment ?

  • Go to the download link of our page and click on it
  • Choose Your Subject .
  • Click On the Download Link.
  • And Print or save PDF of study material in your phone or laptop.

Last date of IGNOU BPCC 133 Psychological Disorders Assignment Submission ?

  • For July  15th April Session
  • December 15th October Session

एग्जाम मे अच्छे मार्क्स लाने के लिए Study Material  को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े .यहां दी गई सभी बुक फ्री मे Download  होती है आपको किसी प्रकार का Registration  करने की जरुरत नहीं है सिर्फ एक क्लिक मे बुक डाउनलोड हो जाएगी

सभी Latest Assignment, Question Paper, Study Material, Important Question  यहां उपलब्ध है

FAQ On BPCC 133 English Psychological Disorders

What is BPCC 133 in English Medium IGNOU ?

BPCC 133 is a Psychological Disorders

Last Date of Submit BPCC 133 The IGNOU English Assignment ?

if Your Admission in July : 30 April
If Your Admission in January : 31 October

Download IGNOU BPCC 133 Solved Assignment English Medium ?

Go to the download link of our page and click on it
Choose Your Subject .
Click On the Download Link.
And Print or save PDF of study material in your phone or laptop.