IGNOU Assignment 2023 (UPDATED) (Submission Last Date)

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the leading distance learning universities in India. The university requires its students to write and submit assignments as a part of their coursework for various programs like degrees, diplomas, and certificates.

In this article, we will discuss what an IGNOU assignment is, how to download it, how to write it for the best marks, passing marks and the process for submitting the assignments online and offline.

What is an IGNOU Assignment?

An IGNOU assignment is a written test intended to assess the understanding, learning, and analytical skills of a student in a particular subject. The assignments are provided to the students usually before the commencement of the term-end examination.

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How to Download IGNOU Assignments?

To download IGNOU assignments, the student needs to visit the official website of IGNOU and follow the steps below:

  1. Go to “Student Zone” and click on “Student Zone Services”
  2. Click on “Assignments.”
  3. Select the program and course code for the desired assignment.
  4. Download and save the assignment question paper.

How To Write IGNOU Assignment for Best Marks?

To write an IGNOU assignment for the best marks, the student can follow the below tips:

  1. Understand the instruction for the assignment and topics provided.
  2. Conduct thorough research on the topic.
  3. Use simple language and avoid jargons.
  4. Include proper formatting and use proper referencing and citation.
  5. Submit the completed assignment well before the submission date.

What are the Passing Marks for IGNOU Assignments?

The minimum passing marks for IGNOU assignments are 50%. The final grades depend on a combination of the term-end examination score and the assignment score. The weightage of term-end examination and assignment score differ for different courses.

How To Submit IGNOU Assignment Online and Offline?

There are two methods through which IGNOU assignments can be submitted, online and offline.

For online submission, the student needs to:

  1. Visit the official website of IGNOU and log in using credentials.
  2. Click on “Assignment Submission” in the “Student Zone” section and upload the completed assignment.
  3. Review and submit the assignment.

For offline submission, the student needs to:

  1. Print the assignment cover page provided by the university.
  2. Fill out the required details and attach the answer sheets.
  3. Either submit the assignment in-person at the nearest IGNOU study center or send the same via post to the concerned regional center.

IGNOU Bachelor Degree Solved Assignments 2023 Free Download :-

BCA Bachelor in Computer ApplicationDownload
BCOMBachelor in CommerceDownload
BEDBachelor in EducationDownload
BAGBachelor of Arts Question PaperDownload
BCOMGBachelor of Commerce Question PaperDownload
BSCGBachelor of ScienceDownload
BAECHBachelor of Arts (Hons) ECONOMICSDownload
BAEGHBachelor of Arts (Hons) ENGLISHDownload
BAHDHBachelor of Arts (Hons) HINDIDownload
BSCBCHBachelor of Science (Hons) in BiochemistryDownload
BASOHBachelor of Arts (Hons)(Sociology)Download
BAPCHBachelor of Arts(Hons) PsychologyDownload
BAPSHBachelor of Arts (Hons) Political ScienceDownload
BAPAHBachelor of Arts (honours) public administrationDownload
BAHIHBachelor of Arts (HONOURS) HISTORYDownload

IGNOU Master Degree Assignments Solutions 2023 Free Download

MCAMaster in Computer ApplicationDownload
MCA_NewMaster in Computer ApplicationDownload
MBAMaster in Bussiness AdministrationDownload
MCOMMaster in CommerceDownload
MEGMaster of Arts in EnglishDownload
MHDस्नातकोत्तर कला उपाधि (Hindi)Download
MPSMaster of Arts (Political Science)Download
MAHMaster of Arts (History)Download
MSOMaster of Arts (Sociology)Download
MAPCMaster of Arts (Psychology)Download
MECMaster of Arts (Economics)Download
MPAMaster of Arts (Public Administration)Download
MLISMaster of Library and Information SciencesDownload
MAANMaster of Arts (Anthropology)Download
MAGPSMaster of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies)Download
MARDMaster of Arts (Rural Development)Download
MSCDFSMMaster of Science Degree in Dietetics and Food Service ManagementDownload
MSCCFTMaster of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy)Download
MSWMaster of Social WorkDownload
MSWCMaster of Social Work (Counselling)Download
MADEMaster of Arts (Distance Education)Download
MAAEMaster of Arts (Adult Education)Download
MTTMMaster of Tourism and Travel ManagementDownload
MAPYMaster of Arts (Philosophy)Download
MADVSMaster of Arts (Development Studies)Download
MAWGSMaster of Arts (Women and Gender Studies)Download
MAGDMaster of Arts (Gender and Development Studies)Download
MSCMACSMaster of Science (Mathematics with Application in Computer Science)Download
MAJMCMaster of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication)Download

Post Graduate Certificate Courses IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023 Download in PDF :

PGCBHTPost Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi TranslationDownload
PGCPPPost Graduate Certificate in Patent PracticeDownload
PGCAEPost Graduate Certificate in Adult EducationDownload
PGCCLPost Graduate Certificate in Cyber LawDownload
PGCCCPost Graduate Certificate in Climate ChangeDownload
PGCGPSPost Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace StudiesDownload
PGCMDMPost Graduate Certificate in Medical Management of CBRNE DisastersDownload
ACPDMAdvanced Certificate in Power Distribution ManagementDownload
PGCGIPost Graduate Certificate in GeoinformaticsDownload
PGCAPPost Graduate Certificate in Agriculture PolicyDownload
PGCMHTPost Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi TranslationDownload
PGCIATIVIPost Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually ImpairedDownload

Diploma Courses Solved Assignment IGNOU 2023 Download

DMOPDiploma in Modern Office PracticeDownload
DCCNDiploma in Critical Care NursingDownload
DTGDiploma in Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageDownload
DEVMTDiploma in Event ManagementDownload
DIPPDiploma in Paralegal PracticeDownload
DBPOFADiploma in Business Process Outsourcing — Finance and AccountingDownload
DWMIGNOU Question Paper (Diploma in Watershed ManagementDownload
DULDiploma Programme in UrduDownload
DCEDiploma in Creative Writing in EnglishDownload
DIRDiploma in RetailingDownload
DDTDiploma in Dairy TechnologyDownload
DAQDiploma in AquacultureDownload
DMTDiploma in Meat TechnologyDownload
DNADiploma in Nursing AdministrationDownload
DNHEDiploma in Nutrition & Health EducationDownload
DVAPFVDiploma in Value Added Products from Fruits & VegetablesDownload
DWEDDiploma in Women’s Empowerment and DevelopmentDownload
DAFEDiploma in HIV and Family EducationDownload
DECEDiploma in Early Childhood Care and EducationDownload
DTSDiploma in Tourism StudiesDownload
DPLADDiploma in Panchayat Level Administration and DevelopmentDownload

Certificate Courses IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023 Download :

ACEAppreciation Course on EnvironmentDownload
ACPDMAdvanced Certificate in Power Distribution ManagementDownload
CFNCertificate in Food and NutritionDownload
CHCWMIGNOU Question Paper (Certificate in Health Care Waste Management)Download
CITCertificate in Information Technology (CIT)Download
CNCCCertificate in Nutrition and Child CareDownload
COFCertificate in Organic FarmingDownload
CPECertificate in Persian LanguageDownload
CRDCertificate in Rural DevelopmentDownload
CAFECertificate in HIV and Family EducationDownload
CBSCertificate in Business SkillsDownload
CCPCertificate in Consumer ProtectionDownload
CDMCertificate in Disaster ManagementDownload
CESCertificate in Environmental StudiesDownload
CFECertificate in Functional English (Basic Level)Download
CHRCertificate in Human RightsDownload
CIGCertificate in GuidanceDownload
CISCertificate in SericultureDownload
CNMCertificate Programme in NGO ManagementDownload
CPFCertificate in Poultry FarmingDownload
CPLTCertificate Programme in Laboratory TechniquesDownload
CPVECertificate Programme in Value EducationDownload
CTECertificate in Teaching of English as a Second LanguageDownload
CTPMCertificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School MathematicsDownload
CTSCertificate in Tourism StudiesDownload
CIBCertificate in BeekeepingDownload
CRULCertificate in Russian LanguageDownload
CLISCertificate in Library and Information ScienceDownload
CAHTCertificate in Anti Human TraffickingDownload
CHBHCCertificate in Home Based Health CareDownload
CVAPCertificate in Visual Arts – PaintingDownload
CETMCertificate in Energy Technology and ManagementDownload
CWHMCertificate in Water Harvesting & ManagementDownload
CIHLCertificate in International Humanitarian LawDownload
ACPSDAppreciation Course on Population and Sustainable DevelopmentDownload
CCITSKCertificate in Communication & IT SkillsDownload
CNINCertificate in Newborn and Infant NursingDownload
CALCertificate in Arabic LanguageDownload
CJLCertificate in Japanese LanguageDownload
CPATHACertificate in Performing Arts – Theatre ArtsDownload
CPAHMCertificate in Performing Arts Hindustani MusicDownload
CPAKMCertificate in Performing Arts Karnatak MusicDownload
CPABNCertificate in Performing Arts BharatanatyamDownload
CKLCCertificate in Spanish Language & CultureDownload
ACISEAdvanced Certificate in Information SecurityDownload
CULCertificate in Urdu LanguageDownload
CTRBSCertificate in Tribal StudiesDownload
APDFAwareness Programme on Dairy FarmingDownload
CMCHNCertificate in Maternal and Child Health NursingDownload
CLTACertificate Programme on Life and Thought of Dr. B.R. AmbedkarDownload
CFAIDCertificate in First AidDownload
CSWCJSCertificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice SystemDownload
CFLCertificate in French LanguageDownload
CCRCertificate in Community RadioDownload
CGDACertificate in General Duty AssistanceDownload
CGCACertificate in Geriatric Care AssistanceDownload
CHHACertificate in Home Health AssistanceDownload
CPHACertificate in Phlebotomy AssistanceDownload
CSLCCertificate in Spanish Language & CultureDownload
CGLIGNOU Question Paper (Certificate in the German Language)Download
CCLBLCertificate in Spanish Language & CultureDownload
CCPDCertificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians)Download
CPYCertificate Programme in YogaDownload
PGCCCPost Graduate Certificate in Climate ChangeDownload
CFDECertificate in Fashion DesignDownload

FAQs on IGNOU Assignment

What is the weightage of assignments in the final grades at IGNOU?

Ans: The weightage of assignments varies for different programs and courses. It is mentioned in the course guide or instruction sheet for the particular program.

What is the penalty for late submission of an IGNOU assignment?

 Ans: The penalty for late submission of an IGNOU assignment is different for different programs and courses. It is mentioned in the course guide or instruction sheet for the particular program.

How can I know if my IGNOU assignment has been successfully submitted?

Ans: For online submission, you will receive a confirmation message on the screen and via SMS. For offline submission, you will receive an acknowledgment receipt from the IGNOU study center.


IGNOU assignments play a significant role in the coursework and evaluation process of the students. It is important to understand the instructions and topics provided for the assignment to write and submit it successfully.

The minimum passing marks for IGNOU assignments are 50%, and the final grades depend on the combination of assignment scores and term-end examination scores. Students can submit the assignments either online or offline as per their convenience. By following the guidelines and submitting the assignments well before the due date, students can ensure a smooth and hassle-free academic journey at IGNOU.