BEGE-103 Solved Assignment Communication Skills in English 2019-2020 | Solved Assignment | IGNOU | Study MAterial |

IGNOU  BEGE-103 Solved Assignment Communication Skills in English Free Download

Communication Skills in English (BEGE-103)


अगर आप इस पेज पर आये है तो आपको असाइनमेंट की जरुरत है ,यहां से आप सभी बुक्स डाउनलोड कर सकते है,हमारे पास सभी किताबे उपलब्ध है,

IGNOU की बुक्स यहां PDF  मे उपलब्ध, है अगर आपको असाइनमेंट नहीं मिला है तो नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के      डाउनलोड कर सकते है .

BEGE-103 Solved Assignment Communication Skills in English Free Download

                                                                           Important Notes
1. Submit your assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre on or before the
due date.
2. Assignment submission before due dates is compulsory to become eligible for
appearing in corresponding Term End Examinations. For further details, please refer
to BCA Programme Guide.
3. To become eligible for appearing the Term End Practical Examination for the lab
courses, it is essential to fulfilling the minimum attendance requirements as well as
submission of assignments (on or before the due date). For further details, please
refer to the BCA Programme Guide.

Dear Student,
You need to attempt one assignment for the Elective Course in ‘Communication Skills in
English (BEGE-103). This assignment is Tutor Marked (TMA) and carries 100 marks. The
TMA is concerned mainly with assessing your application and your understanding of the
course material. It aims to teach as well as to assess your performance.

i The difference between dialect, accent and style
ii Code mixing and code switching
2 What are some of the components of soft skills and why is it important to have these

5 What is the purpose of a group discussion? What is the difference between a general
group discussion and an interview group discussion? You have to participate in a
group discussion as part of a job interview. How would you prepare yourself?



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BEGE-103 Solved Assignment Communication Skills in English Free Download